Do your goals come with excess baggage?

What are the first thoughts in your mind when you read these statements:

I want to travel the world
I want to own the car of my dreams
I want own an apartment of my own

Do you hear a little voice in your mind that whispers something along the lines of:

I need to have the money first
How in the world I’m going to finance these dreams of mine?
Who in their right mind would give me what I want just like that?

Uh-oh, be careful.

Perhaps you would start to belief that you will need money first before you could achieve your wants or goals. That’s the sign that you’re picking up excess baggage on your journey towards your goals. And boy, would it be a gruelling journey dragging that weight around.

Especially after The Secret boom, many have tried to manifest their dreams and goals but to little or no visible results until much later. Some might have given up along the way.

It is not that LOA doesn’t work. The Universe just gets confused on what you really want to manifest sometimes. For example:

One moment you want to own that BMW, then the other second you want money because you want to be able to purchase the car.

See the Universe as a waiter taking your order. If you keep changing your orders, how can the waiter deliver what you want?

Check your thoughts. Be clear with what you want and leave the rest to the Universe. The Universe always knows the best way to lead you towards your goals or wants.

How do we chuck those excess baggage away?

As we progress through our lives, our belief system is programmed based on each experience we go through which then affect our thinking, actions and beliefs.

A few tools that help us focus on our goals rather than the baggage that comes with it are:

Vision board:
A vision board is a board where you put a collage of pictures, words or notes that reflects your wants or goals.

Put it at a place that you will see it often such as on the wall in front of your workdesk, next to your mirror or any other places that you are able to see it as often as possible. This tool can help you to stay focus on the goal, conditioning your mind on the outcome rather than the ‘how’s.


Another way you can do it is through prayer. Regardless of what religious background you come from, a little prayer can bring you a long way. Or if it feels more comfortable to you, offer a little request to the Universe for some help. (For more on the power of prayer with a scientific twist, my recommended read is “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy)

Repeat your prayer whenever you feel down or negative about your goals. Say your prayer in the morning when you get out of bed and just before you sleep. This will help you set your subconscious mind towards your goals. This acts as a boost towards manifesting your goals. :)

Hope these 2 tips are able to help you focus on your goals and reduce your baggage or beliefs that come along with your goals.

Other methods that I highly recommend to release those baggages are (click for more info):

(Photo credit: wiseacre photo)

Break free from your baggage and run free towards your goals!


Have you had moments when you felt that you weren’t taken seriously? Or perhaps not important enough to be treated with more respect?

It could be when you were stood up for a date or when someone brushed your comments aside during a team meeting, whichever situation you find yourself questioning your self worth, ask yourself this:

Do I want to be treated this way?

By asking this question when you’re facing such situations it brings you to be more aware of your feelings while preventing you from going into a downward spiral of self-beating “I’m not good enough” chatter in the mind. This is especially beneficial when asked at that moment,

Nobody wants to be treated like their existence doesn’t matter (or to get to the point: crap).

Now that you’ve got your answer, say out it loud. Let that ‘NO’ be spoken and echoed in your heart, even if it’s just a whisper.

That’s right, you deserve to have be treated with more respect! Before you start ranting how you should not be treated that way ask yourself another question:

Am I treating myself with the respect I expect from others?

It is always easier to put the blame on others or be in a victim mode. But respect or your self-worth builds from within.

A good place to start is to be aware of your thoughts. Are you thinking that you’re going to be lonely and single forever or my boss sucks big time so I might as well don’t bother? (or along those self-defeating lines)

If you are please STOP.

These thoughts are not going to increase your self-value neither will it solve the situation.

Once you have checked what kind of thoughts are running through your mind, treat yourself respectively by looking at the bright side.

If your date stood you up, at least you know that she/he is not worth it because they didn’t respect your effort, time and even feelings.

If you boss brushed your comments aside during the meeting, probably he didn’t get the point yet, or it was not presented in the right setting. You can always give it one more try, show that you’re serious in what you do and chances are you will be shown the respect for your effort.

Please bear in mind that if you had your idea turned down it is not the end of the world. Now you know better which ideas don’t work with your boss so you won’t repeat the mistake in the future.

Ever person deserves respect and it starts from within. The value you put on yourself will reflect how other responds to you.

This is an important foundation for you set for yourself if you seek a more peaceful and happier life because the Universe can only give you what you believe in.

Start by asking yourself these 2 questions:
1. Do I want to be treated this way?
2. Am I treating myself with the respect I expect from others?

Photo credit aNne(♣):

The Opus

2 years ago when I watched and read The Secret, a door opened for me. It inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and strive for the things that I want. I worked harder than I did before, think more than I had before and gained so much more knowledge about personal development, LOA, The Work and EFT (and still continuing to do so).

We have all practiced LOA in our lives whether we're conscious of it or not. For me I realised the power I held in my mind through The Secret, setting a foundation for me to explore and learn.

When I got to know that The Opus was out I wasted no time searching for it and I watched it from start to end, not minding how late it was in the night (I had work the next day).

If you're already a student of the Universe who practices the LOA you will probably already know what is being shared in The Opus. To me the movie serves as a reminder to how we should attract abundance in our lives.

If you are still new to it and seeking to understand more of it this is a movie to watch (among numerous other literature and videos out there).

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