The Opus

2 years ago when I watched and read The Secret, a door opened for me. It inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and strive for the things that I want. I worked harder than I did before, think more than I had before and gained so much more knowledge about personal development, LOA, The Work and EFT (and still continuing to do so).

We have all practiced LOA in our lives whether we're conscious of it or not. For me I realised the power I held in my mind through The Secret, setting a foundation for me to explore and learn.

When I got to know that The Opus was out I wasted no time searching for it and I watched it from start to end, not minding how late it was in the night (I had work the next day).

If you're already a student of the Universe who practices the LOA you will probably already know what is being shared in The Opus. To me the movie serves as a reminder to how we should attract abundance in our lives.

If you are still new to it and seeking to understand more of it this is a movie to watch (among numerous other literature and videos out there).


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