Visions and dreams

"Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."
Napoleon Hill

This quote struck a chord within me when I saw it a few days ago. I've asked myself many times, "What is my visions and dreams?" but only to be left staring at the blank wall of my mind. Why is there a wall in the first place... why is it there and what is hidden behind that wall?

When we were children it was easier for us to let our minds soar in our imagination, dreaming of what we could be in the future, wondering about the 'what if...'s and 'what about...'s. However as we grow up our mind's vision gets narrower and eventually limiting ourselves in so many ways; leaving us staring at a wall - blocked. By then, we our childhood visions and dreams would've been concealed behind that wall and the more we let it stay behind it, the easier we forget about it.

Randy Pausch once said: "Brick walls are there for a reason"

I agree with him. During times when you feel that you feel stuck, uninspired or lost try and remember your vision, goals and/or dreams. When you can't recall them but you know that there's something deep inside of you that you may have long forgotten, get over that 'brick wall' to reunite yourself to your life's purpose.

Think about it, get help from your childhood friend to remind you of your 'crazy' dream, talk to people, walk down memory lane, watch family anything that can remind you of what you wanted but have lost track of. It could be dreams that you had since you were a child (you can count on the honesty to yourself to know what you truly want in life) or something that you've discovered throughout the years. Whatever it is, hold on to them as they will fill your life with purpose and fulfillment...and of course be the blueprint to your success.

Knowing what you want and identifying your goals or dreams is only the first step to a more fulfilling life. From this you will have a goal to work towards to; a lighthouse to lead you ship to your destination. As you set your destination and embark on your life's journey, remember to check your 'map', your goals/dreams, so you won't lose your way.

All the best and here's to a happier and more fulfilling life!


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Janice Kee said...

As we grow up, we filter and forget.

It's nice to relive our childhood once a while.

Goals in life...I got to say, it's very tricky. XD

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