Having sifted through my ‘library’ I decided to make this week’s special on Happiness. By Friday you’ll have 5 tips (maybe even more) on being a happier person. You’ll also have a summary on the week’s special at the end of the week for your convenience.

Like every complete article there’s an introduction. In this introduction, rather than talk about why people become unhappy or why it exists in our lives which at the same time addresses why other people usually seem to be happier than we do… I’m going to ask you to forget about the why’s and focus on YOU.

Reason? Here’s your reality check – whining won’t make your problem go away. If you take even half the effort you put into complaining and applied it to solving your problem, you’ll not only become a happier person but you’ll also be surprised at your own ability to overcome the problem.

Imagine what you can achieve when you put in your 100%. It’ll be euphoric, I promise you.

With one tip to a happier you given even before I get to start on my proper list of tips, let’s kick start your journey with the basic.

Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals…

Here’s an essential word which I find very important for newbies in self-development or personal growth: YOU.

“Duh, of course it’s me. Why else am I reading this article now?” I hear.

Not so fast my friend. Of course it’s about you but you must know that only YOU can help yourself. No tips in the world (even if it’s called 100% Fail-proof Ways to Happiness) can help you achieve your dream if you don’t do it. Even getting help from someone requires you to put the effort to ask right?

I’ve kept the first tip away from you long enough. Here’s the tip of the day!

HAPPINESS TIP 1#: Open up your senses

When and what was the last positive thought you had today?
When was the last time you had a “Hey, that’s cool!” moment?
Who and when was somebody courteous to you?
What made you feel good today?

Could you answer any of the questions in detail or at least vaguely remember that you had that moment today?

If you couldn’t it’s time that you open the windows and let some sunshine into your life.
It’s a sign that your mind is too preoccupied with your problems, work and responsibilities that they cloud your eyes from the good things in life.

Give yourself a break, slow down and enjoy what’s around you even during a busy day.

All you need to do is open up your senses and pick up the good things that you can come across whether it is during your drive to work, lunch at the cafeteria or your walk to your next class. Anything can happen – anything good can happen.

It can be anything and everything from overhearing a joke when you’re in the lift, realizing that the nasi lemak man has put a bigger piece of egg with extra sambal in your takeaway, receiving a thank you when you opened the door open for others and even to smelling your favourite aroma of, let’s say, freshly baked cookies and coffee! (Have a look at this photo by ♥ melissa ♥. :)

Basically anything that will make you feel good or laugh!

Noticing the simple, good things in life can make a difference to the quality of your day. It also makes being optimistic easier to do.

The best thing is that it only takes a minute to notice the little good things in your life with minimal effort.

All you have to do is listen, observe and taste the good things around you that you will automatically feel good and happy.

Here’s a challenge for you:

Do this for a week and list down minimum 3 good things that you noticed each day. Note how you feel by the end of each day.

By the end of the week notice how your mood has improved. If you like what you feel go on and do it for another 14 days and noticing the little good things in your daily life will be like second nature to you.
(NOTE: According to Robin Sharma, author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, it takes 21 days for humans to develop a new habit).

Thank you for reading this article! Do share your thoughts, stories and comments. Feedback is highly valued here at The Present Gift. Feel free to drop a comment or e-mail me – just click on the Contact tab at the top of the page for my details.


Janice Kee said...

I realised simply give a smile to a stranger does lighten up your day as well.
Well, not any stranger; it depends on situation. For example: joggers in the park?

Grace said...

Janice Kee: It's great that you find happiness in smiling at others. Not only you're lighting up your day, you're paying it forward by making other people happy too! :)

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